So much for posting every day of Booktube-a-thon. I started my second post on Tuesday night after 10:30pm, even though I already should have gone to bed and I had just gotten home and hadn't even showered after my roller skating class, and halfway through writing it on my phone, my phone died. I took it as a sign that it wasn't meant to be, and by Wednesday I realized I was so behind it would be better to spend my time reading rather than writing posts. But now Booktube-a-thon is almost over, and I wanna talk about my progress.
I don't have any idea of my page count per day, so I'll just run through what I've read and my total page count so far.

I started my Wuthering Heights audiobook (written by Emily Bronte, read by Emma Messenger) on Tuesday, but after four days of listening during my commute, I'm only on the second CD out of eleven. Since I only listen to my audiobook in the car when I'm driving to and from work and it is now the weekend, there's no way I'm going to finish it for Booktube-a-thon. I'm okay with that, since I need time to read classics in order to appreciate and, well, understand them*. The audiobook challenge was attempted and failed, but I will be continuing to listen to it on my commute. I've just started chapter 8, and according to my Kindle version, that counts as
44 pages.

I also started and finished The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I don't know why I waited so long to start this new series that's within the same world as the Percy Jackson saga, but I am so happy I finally read them now because A) there are now the 2 sequels, Son of Neptune and Mark of Athena, that I can read right away and B) the Sea of Monsters movie is coming out next freaking month and I am so much more excited for it now that I am back in the Heroes of Olympus world and C) the fourth book in the series, House of Hades, will be out in three months! I am definitely doing 2 posts for this book, and I am going to start the next book tonight once I finish this post. This counts towards two challenges, both the 500 page novel and the sitting on your shelf forever.** This book was
553 pages.

I also finished Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. I can see why this book is often compared to Twilight, and while it had a few similar aspects (first-person paranormal romance), I think managed to stay true to the genre while also distancing itself from that particular set of novels. A lot of people like to make fun of Twilight (I'll admit to being one of them) and that ends up giving all of the paranormal romance genre a bad name, which isn't fair at all. I've been reading this on-and-off for a month or so, but the only reason I put it down the first time was because my Kindle died and by the time my Kindle charger got delivered I had been separated from the story for too long. I read this on the Kindle app on my phone, but even though it is over 500 pages, I was already almost halfway through it before Booktube-a-thon began. This did not count for any challenges, just pages. In total, I read 563 - 219 =
344 pages.
That's brings me to a total of
941 pages in 6 days. Yeah, not even half of the 2,100 page challenge, but I didn't take on that challenge anyway. Anyway, I should be able to read at least 100 pages tomorrow and get a solid 1,000 pages read for Booktube-a-thon. I think I'm going to try my own type of challenge for the rest of July, but instead of focusing on pages read, I'm going to try to finally finish all the books I've been 'currently reading' for months now. There are also a ton of movies based on books that are coming out within the next year, and though they are mostly books I've already read, it would be a good idea to have a similar type of challenge next month to read all the books I've been meaning to read so I can see the movies when they come out.
I'll see you back here tomorrow for my Booktube-a-thon wrap-up post. Wish me luck!
Happy reading,
*Confession: I didn't finish reading most of the assigned reading in school, either junior high or high school, mostly because I couldn't abide the time crunch. I had no problem finishing the summer reading, so I'm not sure why I never wised up and did the school year reading over the summer as well. At least now I know that it's not that I hate classics, I hate having to read on a short deadline. Which is maybe why I'm not doing so great at Booktube-a-thon?
**Yes, I know I was going to count The Ring of Solomon towards the "been sitting on your shelf forever" challenge, but I wasn't in the mood for Bartimaeous right now, and both books were released within 4 days of each other anyway so it's been on my to-read list just as long.
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