Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blogging Promises

I'm new to book blogging, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way for me to manage this blog. There's a lot of room for improvement, and that's going to need some more solids decisions on how often I post (daily, weekly, whenever I remember?), what types of posts I make (book hauls, book reviews, reading goals, other general thoughts on book-related topics, other?), and which books I review (all of them, none of them, my favorites, my least favorites, new releases only?). So, how about I make some promises I can't keep?

1. Frequency of posts: I'd love to be able to post several times a week, but trial and error has proved that writing posts on weeknights requires me to stay up past 11 or 12 at night, and I can't handle that on top of getting up early for work. Maybe eventually I will start writing shorter entries that I can post throughout the week, like What I'm Reading Now updates, or answering one question a day from one of those lists of questions regarding favorite or most relatable characters/books/authors/etc, but for now I take a long time to write, and weekends are the only time I can find the huge chunks of time I need. I'll aim for 1 post a week for now, then ramp it up a bit once I've got the hang of that schedule.

2. Subject of posts: My main conundrum here is whether or not I should keep to the lighter side of book blogging like book reviews and book hauls and reading goals, or whether it is ok to talk about the more controversial topics related to books, like the Coverflip related post I made. I'd like to write about more than just my book-buying addiction, but I don't want to alienate readers. Maybe once I figure out more of Blogger's settings, I can hide the main text of some posts under a link so people can seek them out if they find the title interesting but not scroll through the wall of text if they don't.

3. Books to review: Maybe someday I will come to a point where I physically cannot review every book I read, and then I will have to revisit the issue. For now, I read much less than your average book blogger, and though I do still owe you reviews for 3 books, I am not reading enough to pile up any more. However, I have made it twice as difficult for myself by writing 2 reviews of every book I read, one with spoilers and one without, not to mention the occasional GoodReads review. The main purpose of doing spoiler-filled reviews was an excuse to rant or rave about books in incredible detail, and all three of the books I have yet to write reviews for didn't inspire those responses from me. From now on, every book I read gets a normal spoiler-free review, but only the ones that really get under my skin and warrant in-depth analysis (or intense fan squeeing, let's be real here) will get a second review with spoilers.

Well, that's it from me. I've got another post in the works which should be up before the night is out.

Happy reading,


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