Friday, October 10, 2014

Raves: The Elite Favorites

Even though I just wrote a post about book spoilers, I really want to go more in depth of that topic. Since today's post has to fit the 'rave' category, I'm going to talk about the books series that I am most rabid about preventing being spoiled on. These are the books I preorder or buy on the release day, the ones I start reading the minute I have them, the ones I finish reading within 4 days of their release, the ones that I will specifically avoid the internet for. If anyone spoiled me on these books, I would probably makes threats of violence before walling myself up in my room to finish the book so I couldn't be spoiled anymore (and then go back and apologize for the threats once I've cooled off because violence is never ok). 

While these obviously include my favorite series, they don't include all of my favorite series, for the reasons below. 
  • If I start a book series after more than one book has been released, I'm probably not going to get through all the published installments of it before the next book comes out. A long time between releases means less motivation to work through the backlog, a short time between releases or a quickly upcoming release means less time to read. I've tried using the latest book releases to motivate me to finish earlier books in the series (The Mortal Instruments, Divergent series, Heroes of Olympus), and it never works out.
  • If the book series is long and complicated, or if there's more than a few years between installments, I usually want to reread the earlier books immediately before reading the latest release. This brings us back to the problem in the previous bullet, and even if I read the first few books immediately after their release, the later books in the series don't receive the same love (The Books of Abarat).
For these reasons, I've nicknamed the special books that have ever made this list the Elite Favorites just to show how fancy they are. Here they are in no particular order.
  1. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling: This series may be a long time finished, but this is the book series that turned me from your average bookworm to the rabid 'goes to midnight release of book and reads it the next day' book nerd. This is also the only exception to the first bullet above (I didn't start the series until after The Prisoner of Azkaban was out, and I read books 1-3 long before Goblet of Fire was released). If there were any more Harry Potter books coming out, they would immediately make this exclusive level of reads.
  2. The Lynburn Legacy by Sarah Rees Brennan: I know I talk about this book a lot, but I really love this series. I found out about it just after the first book was released, so I could easily read each new installment on the release date without having to slough through a backlog. This series just ended a few weeks ago, which means I've got room for a new series to make it to the elite list.
  3. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: This is another series I found out about not too long after the release of the first book. This series also has a steady, easy-to-remember release schedule (every year, the first week in February), though the original 4 book line-up got changed to 5, which changed the release schedule slightly so the last book will be released later the same year (OMG 2015 can't get here soon enough).
  4. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige: This is the newest series to make the list, and to be honest I'm not sure if it really belongs here, as it hasn't had a chance to earn its place (Only book 1 and the prequel novella have been released so far, but I've already preordered the next novella. We'll see how soon I read it after it's released - November 11th, 2014)
Like every person who writes blog posts alone in their room, I tend to think that I'm just talking in front of an empty room, but if that is not the case and you'd like to interact, please let me know if you have your own list of Elite Favorites and what books make your list. Also, if you have recommendations for book blogs to follow, let me know! I need to read more book blogs.

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